Block I. " Your electronic representatives in the Internet. "
- The review of resources of the oil-and-gas branch in the Russian segment of the Internetwork.
- The independent trading platform on mineral oil NGE.RU. History of creation, development, marketing programs.
- Realization of a business - decision of the company within the limits of the Internet - representation. Estimation of risk. Factors of success.
- The Web-site of the company as means of business expansion. Marketing actions for promotion of the web-project.
- Calculation of railway fee - the variant of the integrated decision for a corporate site and a trading platform.
- The Internet - intranet technologies for fulfilling internal corporate tasks.
- Experience in creation and development of an own corporate trading site. Analysis of how efficient marketing goes as well as service activity of the company.
The block II. " Electronic tools ".
- Circuits of electronic bargains. Factoring. The electronic letter of credit.
- The organization of exchange trade by urgent contracts on delivery of mineral oil.
- Corporate control systems by the enterprise services.
- Construction of analytical reports according to the basic criteria to estimate development of mineral oil market.
- "The Electronic trading platform of the equipment for oil-and-gas sector (oil-and-gas producer’s, the prospecting and chisel equipment, the equipment for storage, processings and transportations of petroleum, gas, gas-and-oil products; materials and completing products) ".
- Off-line editions and MASS-MEDIA of the oil-and-gas branch in the Internet.
- Operational experience of the large petroleum companies, working in the Internet.
Copyright © 2003 Internet - laboratory "ORA"
"ORA" Internet-laboratory
Phone-numbers: /3472-270, факс /3472/907-271
Persons to keep contact with:
Director- Ippolitova Irina Yemel'janovna
Supervisor of projects: Vergun Victoriya Vladimirovna