Нефтегаз.Интренет.2004 Нефтегаз.Интренет.2004

Block I. " Your electronic representatives in the Internet. "

  1. The review of resources of the oil-and-gas branch in the Russian segment of the Internetwork.
  2. The independent trading platform on mineral oil NGE.RU. History of creation, development, marketing programs.
  3. Realization of a business - decision of the company within the limits of the Internet - representation. Estimation of risk.  Factors of success.
  4. The Web-site of the company as means of business expansion. Marketing actions for promotion of the web-project.
  5. Calculation of railway fee - the variant of the integrated decision for a corporate site and a trading platform.
  6. The Internet - intranet technologies for fulfilling internal corporate tasks.
  7. Experience in creation and development of an own corporate trading site. Analysis of how efficient marketing goes as well as service activity of the company.

The block II. " Electronic tools ".

  1. Circuits of electronic bargains. Factoring. The electronic letter of credit.
  2. The organization of exchange trade by urgent contracts on delivery of mineral oil.
  3. Corporate control systems by the enterprise services.
  4. Construction of analytical reports according to the basic criteria to estimate development of mineral oil market.
  5. "The Electronic trading platform of the equipment for oil-and-gas sector (oil-and-gas producer’s, the prospecting and chisel equipment, the equipment for storage, processings and transportations of petroleum, gas, gas-and-oil products; materials and completing products) ".
  6. Off-line editions and MASS-MEDIA of the oil-and-gas branch in the Internet.
  7. Operational experience of the large petroleum companies, working in the Internet.

Copyright © 2003 Internet - laboratory "ORA"

"ORA" Internet-laboratory
Phone-numbers: /3472-270, факс /3472/907-271
URL: www.ora.ru;
Persons to keep contact with:
Director- Ippolitova Irina Yemel'janovna 
Supervisor of projects: Vergun Victoriya Vladimirovna

Web design, programming, techincal support
©2003-2004 Internet-laboratory"ORA"

NGE.ru - торговая площадка. Нефтепродукты. Нефть. Газ. Нефтехимия.

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Нефтехимия и нефтепродукты - ПРОДВЕКТОР

Журнал Нефтерынок

450071, Russia, Bashkortostan Ufa a/b 414
ph.:(3472) 907-270, fax:970-271